Selenium 3 Online Training and Live Projects
Comprehensive Selenium 3.141.59, Web Automation Frameworks, JAVA, Live Projects, related latest technologies, real time job and interview oriented online training course with lifetime video tutorials to make you expert in web automation. Let’s work together to start your Selenium/Web Automation career to get a highly paid and rewarded job in IT industry.
Selenium is very powerful, feature-rich web automation tool and it is easy to learn, understand and work with. That’s why it is becoming very popular day by day. So, don’t worry and you can easily learn and master Selenium by taking our course. Our Selenium online training course has been oriented for absolute beginners and freshers with no prior experience/knowledge in automation/coding/JAVA/programming. All required programming knowledge for automation will be covered in the training course. Our Selenium online training covers every mentioned topic from scratch/very basic level to very advanced expert level to make you expert in web automation. There are huge job opportunities in USA, India, UK and world wide for Selenium automation. The pay rate is also very exciting for these jobs. In USA, salary for Selenium Automation Tester is around $60K – $90K per year depending on your experience. In India, it’s around 7 Lakhs to 12 Lakhs INR per year depending on your experience. Obviously, you can earn more by doing contracting jobs.
Selenium Online Training Details | Selenium Hybrid Framework Training Details |
Selenium Online Training + Live E-Commerce Projects + Lifetime Access to the Videos |
$250 | Take This Course Now! |
Selenium Hybrid Framework Training + Live E-Commerce Projects + Lifetime Access to the Videos |
$150 | Take This Course Now! |
Lifetime Access to the Videos | $100 | Take This Course Now! |
Monthly Subscription to the Videos | $10 | Take This Course Now! |
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Selenium Online Training vs Selenium Hybrid Framework Training
We will be covering all the chapters (including all LIVE Project chapters) from the course curriculum in Selenium Online Training. We will be covering all LIVE Project chapters (LIVE Project Part 1 to LIVE Project Part 10) from course curriculum in Selenium Hybrid Framework Training. Even if you are expert in Selenium, you can take our Selenium Hybrid Framework Training to get in depth understanding of web automation frameworks, latest automation framework trends, continuous integration setup and source code version controlling on GitHub.
Course Curriculum
MUST WATCH – Our Top Selenium Free Videos/Content For You
- 1) Selenium Automation Framework Architecture, Guidelines
- 2) Selenium Hybrid Automation Framework
- 3) Real World Selenium Resume Which Gets More Job Interviews
- 4) Top Software Testing Job Search Tips For You
- 5) Using Maven To Run Selenium Hybrid Framework
- 6) Selenium LIVE E-Commerce Web Project For Your Practice
Automation & Web Testing Basics
- Why we need Automation?
- What is Automation Testing?
- Advantages & Disadvantages of Automation Testing
- Advantages & Disadvantages of Manual Testing
- Automation Criteria (Whether to Automate or Not)
- Focusing on Web Applications and Web Testing
- Automation for Web Applications
Selenium Basics & FAQs
- What is Selenium?
- Selenium Features
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium RC
- Selenium Grid
- Selenium IDE vs WebDriver vs Grid
- Starting with a Selenium Script
Starting with JAVA & Eclipse (Installation, Configuration)
- Introduction to JAVA
- JAVA features
- Why Java for Selenium?
- Installing & Configuring JAVA
- Introduction to Eclipse
- Installing & Configuring Eclipse
- Eclipse Workspace Basics
- Creating a JAVA Project in Eclipse
- Starting with a JAVA Program (Creation/Execution)
- JAVA Comments
- Useful Eclipse Features
Core JAVA Essentials for Selenium Automation
- Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- JAVA Keywords
- JAVA Operators
- Simple Assignment Operator
- Arithmetic Operators
- Increment/Decrement Operators
- Equality and Relational Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Conditions and Loops
- Condition Statements: If, If-else, If-else ladder
- Loops: While, For, For Each
- Classes and Objects
- Declaring Classes
- Declaring Member Variables or Fields
- Defining Methods/Functions with Input Parameters
- Creating Objects
- Using Objects, Member Variables, Methods
- Returning a Value from a Method
- Using Classes and Objects in Selenium Automation
- Providing Constructors for your Classes
- Static and Non Static Variables, Methods
- Packages – how they work/creating/accessing
- Concept of jar file
- How are Eclipse Workspace folders organized?
Starting with Selenium WebDriver, Web Elements, Locator Strategies
- Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium WebDriver Features
- How Selenium WebDriver works?
- Architecture of selenium webdriver
- Selenium WebDriver Interface and different Drivers
- Downloading & Configuring Selenium WebDriver in Eclipse
- Starting with a Selenium WebDriver Test Case (Creation/Execution)
- Javadoc and API docs for Selenium WebDriver
- Importing Selenium WebDriver documentation in Eclipse
- Web Elements
- What are Web Elements
- WebElement Interface
- Identifying Web Elements/Objects in a WebPage
- Different Locator Strategies:
- By ID
- By Name
- By Link
- By PartialLink
- By XPath
- By CSS Selector
- By Tag
- By Class
- Locator Strategies – Guidelines and Best Practices
- Locating By CSS Selector – In Depth
- Based on Attribute Values
- Based on Parent and Child Tags
- CSS vs XPath
Executing Selenium Scripts on Different Browsers - Firefox/Chrome/IE
- Executing Selenium Scripts on Firefox
- Executing Selenium Scripts on Chrome
- Executing Selenium Scripts on Internet Explorer
- Creating WebDriverHelper class to work with different browsers
- Web Element/Object Inspecting Tools for different browsers
Using TestNG to run Selenium Test Scripts
- Introduction to TestNG
- Setting up TestNG in Eclipse
- TestNG Annotations
- TestNG Assertions
- Starting with a Selenium & TestNG Testcase (Creation/Execution)
- Analysing TestNG test results
- TestNG HTML reports
- Selenium+JAVA+TestNG+Eclipse together in action
- Ignoring and Skipping required tests
- Parameterizing Selenium Tests in TestNG using DataProvider
- TestNG Test Suites to group and run multiple tests together
Selenium WebDriver Part 1 – Input Tags, Links, Drop Down Lists, Multiple Web Elements, Web Tables
- Web Elements
- What are Web Elements
- WebElement Interface
- Basic Web Element Commands
- Check whether a Web Element is displayed or is enabled
- Getting Attributes
- Getting the visible text
- Getting the width and height
- Clicking on a Web Element
- Checking whether a Web Element exists or not
- Handling Input Tags
- Test Boxes
- Buttons
- Check Boxes
- helper class to easily work with any check box
- Radio Buttons
- Handling Links
- Extracting Web Elements from a specific area or parent in web page
- Handling Static and Dynamic Drop Drown Lists
- Handling multiple or group of Web Elements
- Handling Static and Dynamic Web Tables
- helper class to easily work with any web table
- Handling Browser Navigation – Go Back, Go Forward, Refresh
- Basic Browser Commands
- Get Page Title
- Get Current URL
- Get HTML Source Code
- Maximize the browser
- Quit the browser
Selenium WebDriver Part 2 – JavaScript Alerts, Implicit & Expliict Waits, AJAX Web Applications
- Handling JavaScript Alerts, Popup Boxes
- Alert Box
- Confirm Box
- Prompt Box
- Handling Implicit and Explicit Waits for Selenium
- Implicit Wait vs Explicit Wait
- Using Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait for dynamic web elements
- Handling AJAX and Dynamic HTML Web Applications
- Handling Hidden Web Elements
Selenium WebDriver Part 3 – Capturing Screenshots, File Attachments, Multiple Browser Windows
- Capturing Screenshots
- Handling Browser Window Dimensions
- Getting and Setting width, height
- Browser Position on the Screen
- Handling file attachments with Selenium
- Handling Popup Windows, Multiple Windows and Browser Tabs
- Java Set interface & window handle collection
- Using a helper method to switch to window based on title
- Difference between driver.close(), driver.quit()
Selenium WebDriver Part 4 – Frames, Mouse & Keyborad Events
- What are Frames in Web Pages?
- Switch to the Frame
- By Index
- By Name or Id
- By Web Element
- Switching between Main Web Page, different Frames
- Actions and Action classes for Mouse & Keyborad Events
- Handling different Mouse Events
- Double Click
- Context Click
- Drag & Drop
- Handling different Keyboard Events
- Key Down
- Key Up
- Send Keys
LIVE Project Part 1 - Hybrid Automation Framework Basics & Guidelines
- What is Hybrid Automation Framework?
- Hybrid Automation Framework Architecture & Layers
- Hybrid Automation Framework Guidelines
- How to make Hybrid Automation Framework
- Easy to use for all
- Easy to understand
- Easy to maintain
- Easy to report
- Separating Framework Code, Test Code, Configuration and Test Data
- How different Frameworks work/integrate together?
- Using the Incremental Model for the Hybrid Automation Framework
LIVE Project Part 2 - Implementing Page Object Framework & Page Factory
- What is Page Object Framework?
- Why you should use Page Object Framework?
- Page Object Framework Guidelines and Best Practices
- Building the Page Object Framework for a E-Commerce Website
- Developing Page Object Classes for web pages
- Integrating Page Object Classes together like a E-Commerce Website
- Writing self explanatory code for test cases using Page Object Classes
- Executing test cases
- Using inheritance in the framework
- To reuse the code
- For easy maintenance
- Developing Page Base class
- Developing Test Base class
- Using JAVA Properties file for test configuration/ settings
- Developing WebDriverHelper class with useful WebDriver methods
- Adding Code to Get Screenshot on Test Failure in TestBase Class
- Running Tests on different browsers
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Internet Explorer
- Page Factory Pattern and Its Benefits
- Page Factory @FindBy Annotation
- Implementing Page Factory Pattern
- Framework usage in real world
LIVE Project Part 3 - Implementing Data Driven Framework
- What is Data Driven Framework?
- Why you should use Data Driven Framework?
- Read/Write from Excel files using Apache POI API
- Downloading Apache POI API
- Setting up Apache POI API in Eclipse
- Reading specific cells
- Creating a sheet/row/cell
- Writing to specific cells
- NullPointerException handling for blank rows/cells
- Creating reusable Excel Helper class to read/write from Excel files
- Building the Data Driven Framework for a E-Commerce Website
- Creating Test Cases and Test Data in Excel
- Automating the Test Cases with Selenium WebDriver using Page Object Framework
- Developing Required JAVA Function Libraries
- Developing Data Driven Helper class to help data driven testing
- Reading the Test Data from Excel files
- Applying Excel Test Data to Web Elements as per Test Case
- Running the Automated Tests with different sets of Test Data
- Moving shared code to TestBase class for easy maintenance, reusability
- Developing a single data provider method for all test cases for easy maintenance, reusability
- Using JAVA properties file to specify Test Data Excel file, Test Data Excel Sheet
LIVE Project Part 4 - Implementing Logging Framework using Log4J
- Log4J Logging Framework Basics
- Why Use Log4J in our Automation?
- Log4J Main Components
- Loggers – to log the information/events
- Appenders – to save the logs
- Layouts – to format/view the logs nicely
- Downloading & Configuring Log4J in Eclipse
- Configuring Log4J Properties File
- Different Logging Techniques using Log4J
- Implementing Logging in Selenium Test Scripts
- Implementing Logging in Framework
LIVE Project Part 5 - Using Maven to run the Framework
- Maven Basics
- Why you should use Maven?
- Setting up and Configuring Maven
- M2Eclipse – Maven integration plugin for Eclipse
- Creating Maven Project in the Eclipse
- Creating and Working with Maven POM.xml
- Maven Repositories & Plugins
- Using Dependencies/Jars from Maven Repositories
- Creating Selenium TestNG Automated Tests to run with Maven
- Using Maven To Execute Goals – Clean, Compile, Install, Test
- Running the Framework with Maven & Report Generation
- Maven Surefire Plugin & Maven Surefire Report Plugin
- Converting Existing Eclipse Java Project to Maven Project
- Integrating Maven with your Hybrid Automation Framework
LIVE Project Part 6 - Using Jenkins for Continuous Integration
- What is Continuous Integration?
- Jenkins Basics/Benefits
- Using Jenkins for Continuous Integration
- Installing & Running Jenkins
- Configuring Jenkins Settings for Selenium, Maven
- Scheduling Jenkins Job for the Framework
- Adding Email Notifications
- Running the Jenkins Job for the Framework
- Build History and Test Reports History
LIVE Project Part 7 - Implementing Reporting Framework using Extent Reports
- Different Types of Reports Available
- Creating Great Reports to impress Manager/Client
- Extent Reports Basics/Benefits
- Downloading and Configuring Extent Reports Jar
- ExtentReports and ExtentTest classes
- Implementing Reporting in Selenium Test Scripts
- Capturing Screenshots in the Reports when Test Fails
- Understanding Extent Reports after Framework Execution
LIVE Project Part 8 - Using Git and GitHub for Source Code, Version Controlling
- What is Git and GitHub?
- Creating GitHub Account
- Creating GitHub Repository for our Automation Project
- Configuring Eclipse for GitHub and Cloning the GitHub Repository
- Uploading Maven Project in Eclipse to GitHub for Version Controlling
- Setting Up GtiHub=> Maven Project in Eclipse for other Team Members
- Changing the Code, Committing the Changes, Push the Changes to GitHub
- GitHub and Git Repository Basics
- Local Repository vs Remote Repository
- Downloading and Installing Git for Jenkins
- Configuring Jenkins for GitHub
- Setting Up the Remote Git Maven Framework Project in Jenkins
- Executing the Remote Git Maven Framework Project in Jenkins
- Scheduling the Remote Git Maven Framework Project in Jenkins
- Polling the Remote Git Maven Framework Project in Jenkins
LIVE Project Part 9 - Final Real Time Hybrid Automation Framework
- Understanding the Purpose of different Frameworks/Tools
- How different Frameworks/Tools integrate together?
- Hybrid Automation Framework – Real-time Best Practices
- Using Best Coding Practices – DRY, SOLID Principles, Readable Code
- LIVE Project – Real-time Best Practices
LIVE Project Part 10 - Setting Up, Configuring, Running the Live Project in your System
- Make Sure all Required Software and Prerequisites are installed in your System
- Java
- Eclipse
- Selenium
- TestNG
- Log4J
- Maven
- Jenkins
- Extent Reports
- Git and GitHub
- Make sure all above are properly configured in your System
- Running the Live Hybrid Automation Framework Project in your System
- Understanding Different Frameworks, their configuration and what they deliver in your System
- Page Object Framework & Page Factory
- Data Driven Framework
- Logging Framework using Log4J
- Maven
- Jenkins
- TestNG
- Reporting Framework using Extent Reports
- Git and GitHub
Selenium Grid, Selenium Server & RemoteWebDriver
- Selenium Server Basics
- Downloading & Setting up Selenium Server
- Running Tests on a remote machine using RemoteWebDriver & Selenium Server
- Starting Selenium Server
- How Selenium Server works?
- How RemoteWebDriver works?
- Running on different browsers – Firefox/Chrome/IE
- Selenium Grid Basics
- Downloading & Setting up Selenium Grid
- Starting Selenium Grid as a Hub
- How Selenium Grid works?
- Starting Selenium WebDriver Nodes under Selenium Grid
- Running Tests on remote machines using RemoteWebDriver & Selenium Grid
- On different browsers – Firefox/Chrome/IE
- In sequential mode
- In parallel & distributed mode on multiple machines
- Sequential mode vs Parallel mode – time comparison & benefits
- Using DesiredCapabilities Class for Browser Settings
- Using DesiredCapabilities Class to Select WebDriver Nodes to Run
- Selenium Grid Exercises
Selenium Resume/CV – Preparation, Guidance, FAQs
- Importance of a Resume to get Interview Calls
- Standard Resume Template
- Best Practices/Tips for Resume Preparation
- Keywords from Job Description
- Tailoring Your Resume for each Job
- Your Details in the Resume Header
- Job Targeted Profile
- Professional Profile/Career Objective
- Professional Summary
- Technical Skills
- Work Experience Section
- Project Details
- Achievements
- Responsibilities
- Certifications & Trainings
- Education & Qualification
- References
- Looking at a Real-time Selenium Resume
- Real-time Selenium Resume Download
Selenium Interview Questions & Preparation, FAQs
- Interview Guidelines/Tips
- Selenium Interview Questions – What to Expect & How to Prepare?
- Interview Best Practices
- Communicating with the Recruiter
- Scheduling the Interview
- Preparing the Interview
- During the Interview
- Things NOT to do in an Interview
- Be Confident And Positive
- Personal Attitude
- Body Language
- Dressing Style/Sense
- Technical Skills
- Tell about the Company/Client
- Questions to Ask for
- Follow-up after the Interview
- Real-time Selenium Interview Questions
- Real-time Selenium Interview Questions Download
Selenium Real Time Training Exercises
- Our Live E-Commerce Web Site
- How to Use the Web Site?
- Writing the Framework Code for different Web Pages
- Write page object class and methods for a given product page
- Write page object class and methods for Cart page
- Automating different Real Time E-Commerce Test Cases
- Test that cart is empty when site is browsed and no products are added
- Test that user can add a product with given quantity to Cart
- Test that user can apply a coupon successfully in Cart Page
- Test that user can deleting a product in Cart Page
- Test that user can update product quantity in Cart Page
- Selenium Real Time Training Exercises Code Download
What Will I Get From The Course?
- You can clear Selenium Job Interviews and you are ready for Selenium Automation Tester job
- You can master Selenium and you have the ability to automate web applications using Selenium
- You can implement real time Hybrid Automation Frameworks from scratch – Page Object Framework & Page Factory, Data Driven Framework, Logging Framework using Log4J, Maven Essentials, Jenkins for Continuous Integration, Reporting Framework using Extent Reports, Git and GitHub Essentials
- You have the strong experience of Core Java, Programming and different Best Coding Practices
- Resume Preparation, Interview Questions & Preparation, Job Assistance and Guidance
- Lifetime Access to self-explanatory and comprehensive Selenium HD video tutorials
- Setting Up, Configuring, Running the Live Project in your System
- Selenium Live E-Commerce Projects, Access to our E-Commerce practice website
- Technical support for your project, exercises and queries (Email/Weekly 2 Live support sessions based)
- Access to new videos and future updates on the site
- Download of all source code, Selenium/Java projects, documents, interview questions
Course Requirements/Prerequisites
- No prior JAVA/Coding/Programming knowledge required. All required programming knowledge for web automation will be covered in the training course.
- Our training course has been oriented for absolute beginners and freshers with no prior experience/knowledge in automation/coding/JAVA/programming.
- Windows PC or Mac
Selenium Online Training FAQs
For general FAQs related Selenium, visit Selenium FAQs.
How is the live online training conducted?
GoToMeeting is used to conduct live online training sessions. We will send you GoToMeeting session details and joining instructions 2 days before the training start date. You can join these live sessions using a headset from you system.
What happens after first 3 free classes?
After first 3 free classes, you can decide whether this course is for you or not. If you want to continue with the course, you have to make the payment to join from 4th class.
How can I attend the Weekly Live Selenium Support Sessions?
Click here for Weekly Live Selenium Support Sessions details and attending instructions.
How can I download all source code/docs covered in the course?
Click here to download all source code/docs covered in the course.
What do you mean by Lifetime Access?
Our lifetime access provides access to course videos and course material as long as we exist. We have been operating from 2010 and we don’t see any possibility to stop our services in future. So, be happy and enjoy the Lifetime Access.